Out of ALL the parties, showers, and Women’s Events I have planned, this ring pop party was by far THE most fun and probably the most challenging at times too! There were many, many directions this party could have taken. I’m super proud with how it all turned out, and I’m excited to share all the fun details with all of you! As always, specific details are linked for you throughout the post and can also be found at the bottom of this post too!

I guess I should first start by explaining that my daughter loves ring pops…you probably already guessed that! Every time my husband stops at a certain gas station near our house, he picks one up for her, and it has become a really sweet thing between the two of them. When a friend of mine showed me a jumbo, DIY ring pop box this past summer, it was set. I knew I HAD to come up with a ring pop party for my daughter’s next birthday!
This party took a lot of brainstorming. How will I make something of this candy theme? How can I make it be true to my best girl and her personality? So, with it being ring POP and all, I decided a Pop Art vibe was where I needed to take this party!

I used elements of Andy Warhol, acrylic, neon rainbows, pop art, splashes of color…oh, and pops of fun! And that’s how her invitations came to be. The fabulous Kirsten McFarland designed the invitations, and she nailed it! The ring pops everywhere at the party truly became a surprise when our friends and family arrived! Until then, they just knew it was a colorful themed party, which is pretty on brand for my girl, HA!

My friend Megan with Hip Hip Hooray Creative Events helped me give my ring pops life with this beautiful balloon garland! These may just be THE happiest colors! She helped me troubleshoot ideas on how to get these rings pops to hang against her garland, and then we added in these gold stars as a finishing touch. Didn’t it turn out amazing?! I could stare at it all day!
I made the ring pops using two plastic bowls, glued facing each other, a paper plate, and a spray painted wreath ring from the dollar store. Boom!

Creating these Andy Warhol-esk photos of my daughter in Canva for this party literally made me giddy. They were such a hit when people realized each on was a different photo of the birthday girl! I displayed them using these mini art easels that I already had on hand from another event.

You know I always like to come up with activities for the kids at all of our parties and gatherings. This time, I set everything up as stations. We had the Color station (tie-dye), Sparkle station (fairy hair), and Art station (necklaces and coloring).
I really loved how the station signage turned out: I used acrylic sign holders, painted them using a fat paint brush, then applied vinyl on top.

Tie-Dye Color Station: I knew we wanted to do tie-dye at the party, and although it was planning to rain all day (wahh!), we were still able to make it happen even though the backyard was soaked! I noted on the invitations for the kids to “dress for a mess”, so the parents weren’t surprised when the gloves and aprons came out! We used our covered back porch for this activity station, and it worked out great! I provided t-shirts for all the kids (plus aunts and grandmas) and a dear friend brought some white dish towels she had so some of the mommies and other guests could dye something too if they wanted.
I prepped the table with disposable tin pans to hold the mess of the dye, aprons for the kids, and this tie-dye party kit. This kit came with pre-made dye bottles, gloves, and rubber bands! It was so much easier than other methods I’ve used in the past. I also pre-made washing instructions cards and placed them in gallon-sized zip lock bags to make everything super easy (and not messy) for everyone to take their shirts home in. Note: I laminated the washing instructions cards, so they wouldn’t get messed up from the wet shirts.

Sparkle Station: For this station, I had two young and fabulous teenagers from our church come and do Fairy Hair for all the girls. This was something super fun and special for the kids to do that didn’t take up too much time. I provided this tinsel hair kit, and the girls simply taught themselves how to do it from YouTube.

Art Station: I knew I needed some sort of coloring station at the party, because it was such a hit at my boys’ Rodeo party last spring. Side note: It poured on the day of that party too! The younger guests really love and (need) something to do. For this party, I printed pop-art alphabet pages that I snagged here. They were perfect! And once I saw the rainy weather forecast was not changing, I decided to make a batch of these resin necklace charms for the girls to use to make their own necklaces. This last minute addition was really special and most people thought I bought the charms! They are SO fun, AND to me, they went along with the acrylic theme/feeling of the party really well! I made my daughter one for her third birthday back in 2020, and she still wears it. I knew her friends would love one for themselves.
I used this resin kit and this mold for the letters. I also laid out a variety of pony beads and this fun t-shirt yarn as the necklace string.

The party was from 3:00-5:00, so we provided light snacks, drinks, and of course treats! Check out these fun birthday cookies from C & C Cookies, a local cookie gal! I used the same table runner that I used on our side console (above) where I had the cake, but layered it over this pink ombre table cloth.
The splurge for the party was this acrylic “R” that I stuffed with ring pops, of course! The kids all loved grabbing a ring pop from the dispenser during the party. I’m hopeful I can use this in the future to fill with all sorts of things: pom poms, candy, etc. Post party, it is on display in our playroom!

And there you have it! We had a ball! And I don’t think we’ll ever look at ring pops again without thinking of this party. It’s a joy to celebrate my girl, and I hope she looks back and always feels celebrated and loved growing up!
All the details:
star balloons | table cloth | acrylic sign holders | resin kit | resin mold | bulk ring pops | kids aprons | tie-dye kit | cake topper | hair tinsel kit | mini wooden easels | pop art coloring pages | t-shirt yarn | laminator
If you like party posts like this and want more party inspiration, be sure to check out my other birthday posts: Five is a Vibe retro Fifth birthday, Chasing Rainbows Fourth birthday a Third birthday Popsicle party, Ain’t Our First Rodeo 2nd birthday, and my twins’ Party Animal First birthday.
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