Oh! How we have loved playing “Birthday Party” for months now… it’s my girl’s favorite game to play! Her babies and her animals all take turns being the “birthday girl/boy” and the party guests. We serve cake (of course!), decorate, and sing to the VIP of the day.
Since my girl is such a great party planner for her toys, I thought she’d enjoy baking a “real” cake that we could keep using for all of these parties. It’s pretty simple how we did it: I took three cardboard boxes, covered them with white paper, and stacked them on top of one another like a cake. I added some doilies on each layer to look like icing and give some texture…and to be a little, you know, extra.
I let my girl have at it: she used crayons on each layer and then moved on to paint, err, icing.

We painted/iced the cake as our step 1. It occupied her for awhile! We played some music, and I let her do her thing, only chiming in when she needed a refill of certain colors. We then let it sit for a day to dry (and to make this activity last a few days…).

The next day we added the “fondant” flowers. I picked these flower cut outs up from Hobby Lobby literally years ago and never used them. I’m sure they still have similar ones in their scrapbooking aisle!

This was also a pretty independent step for my girl. She used her glue stick and had full freedom for the decorations for her cake! I think she did a pretty great job, too! (She later went back and added some pom poms!)
We then had to add the candles. We chose to add four candles because my girl has her own fourth birthday party coming up. I simply cut cardstock about 1/2″ wide, folded the bottom quarter of each one to make a little kick-stand, so we could easily glue the tab to the box.

Next, I cut squares from yellow tissue paper, squished them, and then glued them to the backs of the candle sticks to create the flames. There’s no real method to the madness here… the less perfect the better in my opinion!

And viola! Our cake is a true masterpiece and has been used lots already this week… so many parties, so little time!
If you like birthday party and activity posts like this, be sure to check out how to make a Punch Pinata here, a drive-by Popsicle Party here, a Four year-old Rainbow party here, my Twins’ Party Animal Party here, and our family’s Happy Birthday, Jesus! kids party here.