If we’re being honest, there are a ton of Valentine’s Day books out there on the market. But their quality? Eh! I have purchased my fair share of books for this holiday that looked precious and fun and bright and pink and well, they stink! They always have a forced rhyme and no real story to them!
In this post, I’m sharing OUR favorites that are actually quality stories to enjoy this month! They also make great gifts for Valentine’s Day baskets if Cupid visits your house <3
I really love February (it’s like a bright spot in the middle of winter for me), so it’s no surprise I’ve also added three really cute books to enjoy about Ground Hog’s Day too at the end of this post.
February is so fun! There are so many opportunities to talk about love, kindness, and serving others this month!
Here are Our Favorites:
Mirabel’s Missing Valentine’s by Janet Lawler
We have read this sweet story probably one hundred times. Sweet Mirabel learns a lesson about giving Valentines in this really beautifully illustrated book.
Lola Dutch, I Love You So Much by Kenneth and Sarah Jane Wright
We LOVE Lola Dutch in our house! If you’re not familiar with this series, you’re in for a treat. It’s charming, witty, and has a lot of heart.
Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli
This one is a STAPLE for your February book collection. Everyone deserves to feel loved, including Mr. Hatch, a lonely old man. Oh, this one has so much heart to it!
The Love in My Heart by Tim Bugbird
This book is a great one for now through spring! The illustrator has hidden hearts drawn throughout the pages, so you’re bound to discover more things each time you read it.
The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond
This is a great story to pair on a day when you’re making valentines! It will challenge your little one to think about what makes each friend unique just like the unique valentines made in this story.
Click, Clack, Moo! I Love You! by Doreen Cronin
If the pictures and glitter on the pages weren’t enough…! This story is a staple in our household. It’s a cute story of celebrating Valentine’s Day on the farm and what happens when a fox joins the party.
The Valentine Bears by Eve Bunting
You know I typically include a Jan Brett book in a round-up if I can! Her illustrations are always nostalgic. This is a precious story about two bears who have never celebrated Valentine’s Day before, because they’ve always been hibernating!
Valentine’s Day by Gail Gibbons
This books dives into the customs and traditions of this holiday and everything you think about when you think about what Valentine’s Day is.
Bunny Roo, I Love You by Melissa Marr
Oh this one is the SWEETEST. I like to give this one to a new mama and during Easter-time too. It relates all the behaviors of a new baby to baby animals and in the end, you know the author is really describing her baby who she loves so much.
And, we cannot forget the cute little rodent that starts the whole month of February with his predictions: Phil
Groundhog’s Runaway Shadow by David Bietrzycki
We have read this one more than once and have caught things we’ve missed each time we read it. In this story, the groundhog realizes he does actually like his [annoying] shadow.
Grumpy Groundhog by Maureen Wright
I mentioned books having lame rhyming earlier in this post-this one is pretty humorous as it tells the story of the townspeople trying to persuade the sleepy groundhog from his burrow.
Go to Sleep, Groundhog! by Judy Cox
My daughter really loved the repetition of this story! Each time the groundhog fails at falling asleep, he travels outside and experiences something new that he typically misses during the year when he’s hibernating.
Be sure to check out some Valentine project ideas and Freebies (for blog subscribers) here!
Happy Reading!
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[…] sure to check out our favorite books for the month of love […]