Here I am finally writing my first post.
What you should know is that this blog has been in the making for a few years! Not in the form of anything tangible, but in the making with pieces found in so many notebook pages full of ideas, photo albums, and Pinterest boards around topics I’d want to talk about and share. I’m pretty sure my better-half and mom could give you a nickel for every time they heard me mention a potential blog topic for a non-existent blog over the last two years…and have enough for a pretty decent vacation at my expense!
So what held me back?
Yah girl, Katie did.
I like to think I’m a progress over perfection person, but I’m really not when it comes to things solely under my control. I want whatever is produced to be perfect. Yes, I realize how ridiculous that sounds as I type these words. It is something I try to work on…and while I can beat myself up over it, I do find value in it as well.
A wise person once told me a person’s best quality can also be their worst quality [given the situation]. I’d like to think perfectionism is not my worst quality, but it definitely is hindering! Other times, it’s a huge strength! All of that being said, one thing you should know about me before we go any further, is that I am a Christian, and I firmly believe God wastes nothing. He didn’t waste all of those times I’d grab a pretty pen and even prettier notebook (because things are more fun when they’re pretty: hello, creation of glitter pens) and jot down a bunch of websites or phrases or topics that inspired me. He didn’t waste all of those times I interacted with someone about branding, participated in speaking and writing opportunities, and supported female entrepreneurship. He didn’t waste my past experiences and my current circles of influence.
There’s a season and time and a purpose for everything (Ecclesiastes 3). For this adventure, I just hadn’t gotten there yet. (And in many ways, still have not… But isn’t that what makes it exciting?)

And then here we are in 2020.
It’s amazing what can happen during a global pandemic, right? The general public learned the importance of handwashing and we watched some on social media completely lose their minds in political debates with so much time on their [now clean] hands. Jokes, aside, I don’t really attribute the execution of this blog to the pandemic, but the time not running around to approximately one million mommy-and-me activities has given me some extra time to sit. And breathe. And sort through some priorities, anyone else? The biggest thing I noticed in being home for 185, 652 days with my sweet little one is how much I love sharing what we do together. Pair that with my love of Community and there you go. It was officially time to launch my own space on the world wide web for me to share what I love with mamas, creatives, suburbanites, and lovers of all shades of pink.
I have some fun things planned for this online platform… and I am gracefully trying to navigate all there is to learn in this digital world, but it’s going to be a little hairy for a while. <insert me giving me a pep talk>
So. Thanks for bearing with me and for cheering me on…especially to those who have done it for a long time now. You know who you are!

You are off to a great start! Congratulations !
🥳❤🥳❤🥳❤ Way to dive in! I’ll just be over here, reading every word! Your daily posts inspire me!
Perfect 1st post! 💕
Woohoo congrats! Cheering you on!
You are awesome! Congrats on this new journey 💕😍🥳🎉
Yay!! So proud of you! Love the giggles this made me have!
I’m excited to see what you have to share! Your blog is beautiful and so are you!
Love this! Way to go girl. I’m the same way, been thinking about blogging for years but haven’t fully taken the plunge. Good for you!! <3