My daughter’s Five is a Vibe party is probably one of my favorite parties we’ve hosted. Sure, it was jam packed with a little too much sugar, but hearing my daughter run around the backyard yelling, “This is the best day ever!” really does something to your heart! She had lots of family, her friends, her favorite games, and too many sweets to count! The fun kept on going…
If you’ve been around for awhile, you’ve heard me say how much I love a good backyard birthday party. I don’t know how much longer she’ll want to have birthday parties here at home instead of somewhere else, but I’m holding on as long as I can!
When my daughter and I were first starting the planning process, it took us a long time to come up with a theme. My heart was set on making retro daisy sunglasses with her friends, and her heart was set on rainbow colors. Well, she had a rainbow party last year (You can read about that here), and although I did consider having a Rainbow Party 2.0 (or 5.0 for her age? ha.), I am really pleased with the compromise we made with this party theme!
As always, I have specific things linked for you throughout this post, and everything link at the bottom for you.

If you scour Pinterest, you’ll find a million groovy/retro birthday parties all with a boho feel. My gal isn’t very boho, so when we landed on these colors, we knew THIS WAS IT! It was the perfect amount of FUN and COLOR that we both love! My friend Megan with Hip Hip Hooray Creative Events nailed the colors for the balloons, and they turned out so perfectly. She knows us too well, and us Sloop girls need bright and happy 😉 . She created this masterpiece in our living room, and then we also had a five foot strand in our dining room where the food was set-up.

The very first thing I bought for the party was this tablecloth from Spoonflower. My heart was leaning towards pinks and purples, but my daughter chose yellow…wow, it turned out so great, didn’t it? After receiving this in the mail, the party planning took more of a retro daisy turn, and that in itself already felt more like my girl. We used pops of pinks and lavender throughout the party, and white really became a bold focus that was needed.
The party was in the afternoon (3:00-5:00), so we had light snacks. We also had treats galore, so I can guarantee, no one went hungry!

I truly love when little details come together. Adding this trim to the table made it feel a little more finished to me. I woke up the morning before the party and thought, “Daisy trim!” and so a last minute trip to Hobby Lobby happened first thing that morning. This last minute idea looked so cute, and I added pom-pom trim (again, in white to pop!) like I have done in other tablescapes over the years.
I spray painted random vases using a chalk-finish paint to get a matte look and paired them glass vases that I also either already had on hand (you know me…) or that I picked up at Hobby Lobby. I filled as many spaces as I could with different colored Gerber daisies, because well, I can’t host a party without fresh flowers. It’s not possible.

One of my favorite “moments” for this party, was dedicating a space to show my girl’s growth over the years. I re-used these frames that I had used last April for twin brothers’ first birthday party. I used one for each month for them. You can read about that here!
For this party, I had a frame with a photo from each birthday party for my girl (first birthday, second birthday, third birthday, and fourth birthday) plus a picture of her when she was born, and labeled the frames with vinyl. It was kind of emotional to see how she had grown each year and to look back at her parties, because most of our guests have been to our house each year to celebrate her! She is a whole vibe for sure.

One of the most exciting parts of this party was the surprise ice cream truck! We interrupted our guests’ playtime to pray over the party, thank everyone for coming, and to tell of the surprise! We led them around front to where the Ice Queen had parked at the base of our driveway. The squeals were unforgettable when the kids spied the truck!
Everyone of all ages got to get ice cream cones or ice cream sammiches. It was a HIT!

After ice cream and more playtime, we gathered all the friends to play musical chairs (my daughter’s absolute favorite game!) and to break the piñata. The age range at the party was 3-5, so I felt a regular piñata would be too hard for them to break. Instead, I chose to do a pull-string piñata, where everyone gets a turn pulling the string. One person will ultimately select “the string” that opens the whole thing. Well, ours was a little faulty, BUT some shaking and with a little help from mom, the candy and confetti still came out, and the kids could collect their stash. We have done a punch piñata twice in the past which is also a really, really fun idea and super easy to make. You can learn how to make one of those by clicking here.
I got this pull-string piñata on Etsy and had a few customer service issues with the shop, so I do not feel right recommending who I used (sorry). I cut daisies using my Cricut and attempted to embellish it myself when my order arrived different than had hoped.
Instead of goody bags, I gave each child an empty bag with their name on it to collect their candy, take home their sunglasses craft, flower headband, as well as any other goodies like cookies for later.

When the ice cream and excitement wound down a bit, I brought the kids inside to do their craft. Each child got to pick a pair of sunglasses and add their name using letter beads and charms to the glasses.
I had the letters to their names already pulled and put in individual cups for the girls, so they could focus on gluing and accessorizing! They also got to choose a flower crown to wear, which just added to the fun of it all!
I displayed the assortment of charms out in the center and provided glue and paint brushes. My mommy-friends were all a big help in helping the girls create their glasses.

We played (hard), we ate, we crafted, we danced, phew, it was a great party! It was chock-full of fun, and really, I think the girls could have played well into dinner time if we would have let them!
If you like party posts like this and more party inspiration, be sure to check out my other birthday posts: rainbow fourth birthday a third birthday popsicle party, and the twins’ party animal first birthday.
daisy plates | retro flower plates | daisy trim | daisy sunglasses | charms | letter beads | flower crowns | daisy balloons | picture frames | invitation and signage | tablecloth | cake topper | party dress
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It was perfect!!