This post was actually pretty hard for me to write, because I had to reign myself in, HA! There are many, many books and little trinkets that are super fun to add to baskets! I added some Calico Critters sets in my daughter’s basket again this year which was very nostalgic for me as well as some treats from the Fresh Market and Walgreens.
Below are some ideas for Littles ages 1-5/6ish. Be sure to also check out my post on what we’re doing for Lent this year to give you a few more ideas on how to make this Easter super special and meaningful!
- Shaker eggs – These are a favorite in our house! We have used them in music class as well as at home. All three (ages infant to 5 fight over them!) We shake them fast and slow…high and low!
- Color and Shape matching eggs – These come in a few different options. I like this one to help with the skills of shape and color matching. There is also an option with dinosaurs where you match the dino shapes-very cool, but more advanced. Whichever you choose, I would open this pack up and place them all around in the basket.
- Pack of mini playdough – You cannot go wrong with these! They’re a staple, amirite?
- Bible sticker book – My daughter and I actually did this whole book in two days. We both loved it! You match the stickers to each bible story. I loved completing it with her!
- Hatching Unicorn egg – I love giving something in baskets that is something to “do”. These hatching eggs take 1-2 days to “hatch”, so it is something they can check in on throughout the day and early the next week as they wait for their animal/creature to hatch.
- Watercolor paint palette – I love things that are often forgotten- paint, scissors, chalk, new crayons– all are great items to add! Again, these are also all things to “do”.
- Poppin’ Pipes Sensory tubes I have had my eyes on these for months! A friend shared these with me, and my mind keeps coming up with new things to create with them. These sensory pipes are super fun and silly-they are another item I would pull out of the box and display in the basket!
- Lip Smackers lip balm – I love these little Lippy Pals! My daughter got the unicorn one in her Christmas stocking, so it’s only fitting the lamb one should be in her Easter basket, right? There are so many cute options-this is a no brainer for her basket this year!
- Wooden handled jump rope This jump rope comes in LOTS of colors and designs, so you’ll easily be able to find a color that suits their personality…we of course, chose pink 😉
- Piggy Polish nail polish set These are so sweet (and less toxic than other polish), but they also are quick drying for squirmy little fingers!
- Paw Patrol Figurine set I bought these for my boys for Valentine’s day, but they’re small enough to fit in Easter eggs, so viola, I saved them for such an occasion.
- Binoculars My daughter asked for binoculars when we were out on our local Greenway, and I made a mental note. When I saw these, I quickly added to cart…
- Triangular Crayons I’ve posted about these before…they’re triangular shaped so.they.don’t.roll.away! Yasss! These are a necessity, and they’re great for building pencil gripping muscles.
- Magic Ink Books We keep a stock of these on hand, and now that my twins are nearing two (cryyyy) they have started to like them as well! They’re great in so many situations like down time or to keep them occupied when we’re out running errands.
- Easter Bunny Go Fish I love adding playing cards in baskets anyway, but the fact that these are Easter bunny themed is so precious.
- Bug Catching Kit We use kits like these in the backyard, the pool, and the beach! I love seeing how Littles use each tool in different ways. This fuels imaginary play!
- Fun Goggles Ok, so who has their child already in swim lessons right now preparing for the summer? These are so fun and come in many different designs!
- Clip on Earrings I’m a little bit over the stick-on-earrings right now, because I find them *stuck* everywhere! These are great…and *fancy*.
- Wooden Dinosaur Train kit I’m going to break this one into pieces and display it in my boys’ baskets this year, and then they can put it back together (make the train) themselves. That will help with saving space in the baskets.
- Stomp Racer Car This is so fun! It also comes in a dueling pair of race cars…I don’t know, you might need the pair to compete with your child! #familyfun
- Sticker By Number Ok so I lied. There’s 21 Easter basket ideas in this post. I couldn’t help myself! These sticker by number books are geared towards younger kids, so they’re not as intricate and overwhelming for smaller hands. They would be great in a busy bin or kept in the diaper bag for an activity at a restaurant!
Lastly, if you’re looking to add a book with some longevity to it and not just Easter themed, this has been a favorite of mine for awhile: Any time, Any place, Any prayer – This is a great book to explain to children that God is all around them and how they can pray at any time, in any place, and with any prayer-God HEARS them.
I hope these TWENTY +one things help spark some new ideas for what you’re creating for you Littles this Easter! Just don’t forget the candy too in those baskets 😉 I just picked up a plastic bunny that poops out jelly beans at Walgreens…keep the fun going, right?!
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