These confetti poppers were so easy and fun to make! With our excitement and SHOCK of having twins joining our family, we wanted to share the excitement with others we love. We didn’t do any kind of gender reveal for our daughter…I know, party poopers, right? With her, we were very quiet for really the entire first half of that pregnancy. I’ll share a blog post about that one day, but so that you can understand better, we just kept that pregnancy so close to our hearts. This surprise of twins was just too crazy and too wild to hold back! We felt God so strongly that we put aside our fears and announced the pregnancy pretty early on as we felt we needed to be surrounded and lifted up in prayer.
With covid-weirdness still very present and not knowing how or when we would see our out of state family and friends, we wanted them to have a part of finding out the gender(s), so they could feel a part of this wild ride we are on. The poppers were the perfect size to mail (light-weight and all!), and their simplicity made them very easy for this super nauseous mama to handle!
These would be great for a gender reveal, New Years Eve, or birthday celebration! Here’s what you’ll need:
- toilet paper rolls cut in half (or paper towel rolls cut in fourths; this will allow for 4 poppers)
- tissue paper; one sheet for each popper
- scissors
- scotch tape
- confetti, candy, or anything else lightweight and small you’d like to stuff inside
- ribbon, yarn, etc. to finish off the ends
- Optional cracker popping sticks
Start by cutting your toilet paper roll in half. Fold a sheet of tissue paper in half lengthwise. and place one part of the toilet paper roll about 3 inches from the folded edge. How far you place it from the edge will make up how long you want your “handles” on your poppers.

Roll your toilet paper roll starting on the folded side of the tissue paper towards the opposite side of the paper. When you make it all the way to the end, pinch the paper at the base of the toilet paper roll, and add tape to secure your “handle”. The poppers I made did not have the “pop” sound, but if you’d like to add that detail, you’ll need cracker strips found here. Just simply roll one cracker strip in each popper along with the first half of the toilet paper roll/in this step.

Next, carefully pull the tissue apart, so you have a small opening to stuff your confetti or candy (or even a secret note!).

Once you have a good amount of stuffing in there, add the second half of the toilet paper roll from earlier by placing it on top of the first one. Finish rolling your toilet paper rolls so that the popper is “closed”, now with both pieces inside. Having the toilet paper roll cut in half inside allows the popper to easily be pulled apart.
Pinch the edge just like before and add tape to secure it closed. You’ll need to trim the extra tissue paper to be about the same length of the first “handle” you made.

Next, add ribbons, yarn, or whatever you have to decorate the handles. I used a mix of different types of ribbons and added a metallic cord I found in the Christmas section of Hobby Lobby to the ends.
I packaged them up with a little note for our family and friends, directing them to pull the handles outward to “pop” the poppers to reveal the gender(s). As you can see, I made two poppers, one for each baby. Lots of blue covered our floor as both babies are BOYS! Hooray!

If you decided to make these for your next celebration, I’d love to see! Please tag me on insta @kathryn.sloop
Have fun making some magic!!