Happy sort-ah-kinda Back to School season! Last week, I wrapped up my favorites and most used playroom learning supplies here. With so many mama friends picking my brain about organization, I thought this would be a good time to share how I organize our daily learning materials…no, it’s not just a free-for-all…although, sometimes the permanent mess in our craft/playroom makes it look that way!

First let me tell you WHY I take the time to organize daily bins of activities. No, I’m not supermom or a whiz at organization (but yes, organization does make my heart go pitter patter…). I do this so that my time with my little one is purposeful. With the constant interruptions of social media, television, phone calls, unexpected emergencies or non-emergencies, sometimes the day just gets away from. Yes, it’s called LIFE. BUT hear me out: if I pre-plan and think about what I want to get done the next week or better yet, NEED to get done, I FEEL like a more successful mom. Notice how I emphasized FEEL. Doing what I’m about to show you does not in any way mean you are good/bad, successful/limiting, etc. as a mother. For me, I operate off of structure and planning, and this is what works for me and makes me feel like I’ve done a good job. What drives you as a mom may look differently, and I’d love to emulate a piece of that, too, I’m sure! For example, I have a friend who is motivated by sticking to a schedule with her kids (30 min outdoor play, 30 min of books, 30 min of independent play, etc.), and if those marks are made throughout her day, she feels awesome. I have another mom friend who has zero screen time for her kids or days with no toys…they’re encouraged to create and make and imagine…those days make her feel successful. Lastly, I have another friend whose kids are at day care until 5:00 each day. She devotes 5:30-bedtime each night solely to them (no interruptions, just family time), and that is what makes her feel successful. Do you get my point? You have to do what’s best for you…this is just what is working in my four walls right now!
Okay, back to this month’s FREEBIE!
Sunday nights I try to spend about 20 minutes prepping for the week ahead-alone! Hubby entertains while I get my girl and me ready for the next week. Depending on what we have on our schedule, I will plan 5 or just 3 bins worth of activities. In the bins, I place:
- a book to read
- an independent activity
- a learning activity
- something creative/fun

I have all the materials for the activities in each bin ready to go. We know when there is a “lull” or interruption in the flow of the day, it never fails that that is when we lose the attention of our children #amirite ? So I try to have things ready to roll. We don’t get through everything in a bin each time/day, and sometimes, my daughter gets so enthralled with one activity and that is all we do. I try to just go with the flow… however, if I don’t have something prepped, I always run into the “ugh, I need something so we don’t rot in front of the television” situation. Hopefully, you’ve all been there, too. For us it’s the witching hour…the hour when I’m pooped, and Daddy won’t be home for another hour or so.
I have created these daily bin labels with the days of the week AND with subject areas in case you have an older sibling in school/doing virtual learning (reading, math, sci/ss, practice, completed, fun-day, etc.). They are available in the resource library in black/white AND color…you know me, who am I to not have something in color?!
Simply print them out, laminate if you can (my favorite laminator is linked here), and use tape or velcro to attach your labels to your bins. You can really use any container you wish. Mine are from Lakeshore Learning, but sometimes Target has similar ones available in the Dollar Spot for $5? or $3? I also just found these that come in a 5 pack and make it super convenient for organizing your week!
Do you have one of those metal craft carts? They’d be pretty handy too…and you can just wheel them away for the next day when it’s time to clean up!

I hope these will be a pretty piece to add to the homeschooling area of your house! Download your FREEBIE here! Subscribers get all the access to printables and resources each month in my Resource Library…not on the list? Subscribe now, here!
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